
is an international, peer-reviewed journal initiated in the context of the BauHow5 European Alliance for Architecture and the Built Environment and their associated networks.

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addresses design as the core of the architecture discipline and investigates the creation, constitution, and mediation of architectural knowledge.

aims to explore processes, procedures and results from practice and research with particular attentiveness to the architectural design and to investigate epistemologies of aesthetic practices and research.

assembles contributions referring to the constitution and body of knowledge in architecture, aiming to exploit specific architectural knowledge, its mediation, investigation and research.

as the entiteling terminology, refers to the multidirectional nature of impacts and subject areas of the architectural discipline, including architectural design, construction, and technology, landscape architecture, urban planning and design, history and theory of architecture as well as affinities to other fields in interdisciplinary investigation.

publishes two Curated Editions a year, assembling contributions explicitly dedicated to an overarching investigation of a superordinate subjects from the field of research and knowledge creation in the discipline of architecture.

The thematic framing is given by the respective editors in a Call for Contributions.

provides an Open Platform to publish all kinds of investigation and research on architectural knowledge, its particularities, the creation, providing and mediation of it as well as its discourse within the principle objective of the journal.


on superordinate framing subjects are published twice a year. Calls for Contributions are launched publicly and contributions to the thematic framing of the respective edition are selected in a double-blind Peer-Review procedure.

The curated editions are published in print and Open Access at transcript Academic Publishing Bielefeld, Germany.

Guidelines for Authors
Peer Review

Calls for Contributions
Dimensions 08 – Prototypes as Instruments
Dimensions 09 – Changing Spatial Practice
Dimensions 10 – Rethinking Döllgast
Dimensions 11 – Contact Zones

Research Perspectives
in Architecture

edited by
Katharina Voigt, Uta Graff and Ferdinand Ludwig

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Open Access

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explores different lines of enquiry with specific focus on their methodology.

Design-based, reflexive, qualitative, experience-based, archival and interdisciplinary perspectives are investigated.

Spatial Dimensions
of Moving Experience

edited by
Katharina Voigt and Virginie Roy

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Open Access

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explores the movements triggered by spatial, situational, and corporeal experiences and the sensations of being moved.

investigates lived experience as source for the constitution of knowledge. It is concerned with the movements of exploration and the inner sensations of being moved by experience. Addressing situational experience allows bringing implicit dimensions of perception to attention.

is looking for a tangible understanding to emerge in the actual encounter, as well as connected to memory and imagination. Practitioners and scholars from various disciplines are invited, to open the realm of discussion for theoretical, applied, and practice-related forms of research.

alignes contributions to enrich the discourse of architecture and its versatile dimensions. Theorists and practitioners from all disciplines are invited to reflect upon »Spatial Dimensions of Moving Experience« and to bring in their specific observations gained in practice and/or teaching.

Species of Theses
and Other Pieces

edited by
Meike Schalk, Torsten Lange, Andreas Putz,
Tijana Stevanović, and Elena Markus

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Open Access

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is concerned with practice-oriented research.

The title of this issue is borrowed from Species of Spaces and Other Pieces by George Perec (1974).

The term »thesis« comes from the Greek meaning »something put forth«, and refers to a proposition. How we know is as much mediated through the thesis’ form as it is through its content.

In reference to George Perec, »Species of Theses« takes the love for playing with forms, genres, and arrangements as its program.

The appropriation of specific formats or modes of representation (such as an archive, exhibition, performance) can prompt imagining other ways of performing research, and communicating findings with diverse audiences.

Essentials of Montage in Architecture

edited by
Max Treiber, Sandra Meireis, Julian Franke

Guidelines for Authors
Peer Review
Call for Contributions

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aims to conduct a discourse that provides a comprehensive collection of theories, methods, and visions to highlight the relevance of montage for visual and spatial practices as well as for knowledge production in architecture.

invites contributions that address the »Essentials of Montage in Architecture« from the perspectives of perceiving and reflecting, communicating, designing, and making in or around the discipline of architecture.

encourages visual essays in addition to full paper contributions and is explicitly open and unrestricted concerning the methods of practice-related investigations and research.

welcomes contributors to assemble observations in the mode of visual contributions (documentations or any other form of notation).

aims to show and classify the wide diversity in this edition, exploring the following sections:
Definitions of Montage
Montage Techniques
Montage as a Communication Tool
Montages in Mind
Environmental Montages

Collaborations: Rethinking Architectural Design

edited by
Elettra Carnelli (ZHAW / ETH Zurich),
Federico Marcolini (Politecnico di Milano, Milan), Fabio Marino (Politecnico di Milano, Milan), Rafael Sousa Santos (FAUP Porto).

Extended Deadline until January 09, 2023

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reflects the complex process of design, in which architects must involve and are involved with different actors, professionals, and sets of knowledge that contribute to the architectural project, both in the design and in the realization phases.

seeks contributions that explore the impact of collaborations on design processes, by considering the conditions of their integration into architectural practice and discourse.

encourages architects and architecture collaborators to reflect upon their working processes, collaborations and their thinking or rethinking of architectural design.

aims to initiate an exchange between theory and practice, contributing to the discussion on collaborations and interdisciplinarity as well as its application within design practice.

investigates the impact of collaborations – inside and beyond the discipline of architecture – on tools and methods of architectural design.

Making Sense –
Thinking through Making Architecture

edited by
Nicolai Bo Andersen, Victor Boye Julebæk, Eva Sievert Asmussen
(Royal Danish Academy)

Guidelines for Authors
Peer Review
Call for Contributions

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focusses on architectural approaches relating to the overall question of making sense in architecture, defined as the production of architectural knowledge through the physical act of making.

is concerned with the production of actual material samples, models, mock-ups and full scale installations in the fields of architectural teaching, research, and practice.

investigates how making architecture may be understood as a way of thinking, defined as bodily interaction with the physical world.

explores how making architecture plays a role in redefining the praxis of the architect in relation to the accelerating ecological crisis.

seeks reflections of architectural sense-making through theoretical, philosophical and/or practice-based perspectives, relating to the themes BODY, MATERIAL, and WORLD

calls for submissions based on one or more physical artifacts, presented as technical drawings and/or photographs in combination with a written text.

exploits how the production of architectural knowledge can be understood not just as a logical exercise, but as an aesthetic practice.

Architecture as Intervention

edited by
Eva-Maria Ciesla (FU Berlin), Susanne Hauser (UdK Berlin),
Hannah Strothmann (UdK Berlin), Julia Weber (FU Berlin)

Guidelines for Authors
Peer Review
Call for Contributions

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This thematic issue of Dimensions aims to shed light on architecture’s inherent potential for spatial, social and political intervention as a means to alter or modify specific situations.

More than ever, architecture is challenged by claims to address issues such as climate change, the consequences of continued extractivism, and growing social inequalities on a global scale. As a discipline and practice, architecture is asked to reflect on new forms of sociality and to work in the face of crisis and conflict.

In view of this situation, this thematic issue seeks to initiate a discussion on the capabilities and limitations of architecture as intervention.

Contributions may address theoretical approaches to architecture as intervention and specific ways of intervening through architecture. Invited are case-studies of designs, conceptual sketches, performative realizations and built structures.

Prototypes as Instruments for Critical Practice

edited by
Isak Worre Foged (The Royal Danish Academy), Hugo Mulder (University of Southern Denmark),
Anne-Catrin Schultz (Wentworth Institute of Technology), Filip Van de Voorde (University of Antwerp / Denkbar)

Guidelines for Authors
Peer Review
Call for Contributions

EXTENDED DEADLINE: September 30, 2024

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This issue’s perspective on the notion of prototypes is deliberately broad, including all facets of the architecture discipline and allied fields.

Prototyping is inevitably connected with the making and building; samples, models or examples are made to gain new insights.

Prototypes may encapsulate the complete work and the thinking that led to it or capture an aspect of the work, as a biopsy or detail.

Prototyping goes along with experimenting, exploration, and/or testing.

Understanding things through critical and reflective making is pivotal in the inventive process of proceeding the knowledge gain inherent to it, and to make it explicit as research findings.

What knowledge is embodied in the prototype or has emerged through prototyping?

How does the prototype enable synergetic collaborations across academia and practice?

What is the role of the prototype in establishing or refining applied research strategies?

Changing Spatial Practices: Alliances, Activism and Networks

edited by
Kadambari Baxi (Barnard College, Columbia University, New York), Isabel Glogar (Technical University of Munich),
Gabu Heindl (University Kassel), Bernadette Krejs (Vienna University of Technology), Tatjana Schneider (TU Braunschweig).

Guidelines for Authors
Peer Review
Call for Contributions

EXTENDED DEADLINE: October 30, 2024

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Times of multiple crises – characterized by inequality, exploitation, conflicts and violent forms of extraction – require multidimensional and diverse forms of thinking, designing and building.

They disrupt and challenge existing paradigms in the field of architecture.

What do multiple crises do to architecture as profession, practice and discipline?

How do architects and other spatial practitioners contribute to other imaginaries?

This issue invites for all forms of contributions reflecting on practice- and activism-related research and the superordinate constitution of knowledge.

We are especially interested in reflections that address collective intersectional engagements for more multifaceted, spatial practices.

Rethinking Döllgast

edited by
Uta Graff (Technical University of Munich), Irene Meissner (Technical University of Munich, Architekturmuseum), Maximilian Sternberg (University of Cambridge)

Guidelines for Authors
Peer Review
Call for Contributions

Deadline: October 15, 2024

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This issue investigates the perspective, design-process and oeuvre of Munich based architect Hans Döllgast and reflects on the nature of Döllgast’s unique relevance and appeal today.

Long considered as an outsider to the modern movement, Döllgast is a rooted visionary whose place in twentieth century architecture needs to be revisited.

»Rethinking Döllgast« is structured around the following themes: reception, rebuilding and revisiting, addressing the following questions:

What did he share with contemporary architects, both within and on the margins of the canon across Europe?

Does Döllgast belong to a tradition, and if so, how could this tradition speak to contemporary challenges?

How can Döllgast’s thinking, approach and oeuvre inspire today’s architectural practice?

What can we learn from Döllgast?

How can we fathom the architectural knowledge – regarding the process, thinking, approach, conception and making – contained in Döllgast’s work?

Contact Zones:
Architectural Encounters in the Post-Anthropocene

edited by
Lidia Gasperoni (University College London)
Beata Hemer (Royal Danish Academy)
Jennifer Raum (Bauhaus-University Weimar)
Guro Sollid (Royal Danish Academy)

Guidelines for Authors
Peer Review
Call for Contributions

Deadline: January 15, 2025

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Contact can be an intimate affair, a source of friction, resulting in collisions or in new forms of cohesion and mutual understanding.

Considered within a zone, contact is framed within a spatial context, producing not only a conceptual but also a physical effect.

The climate emergency requires enormous reductions in CO² emissions, resource consumption and waste generated by construction, and creates conceptual and methodological challenges for the design of just environments.

These challenges go beyond the question of how to equip architecture with more sustainable techniques and materials that nonetheless reproduce the same distances and dichotomies between nature and culture, matter and form.

›Contact‹ is mediated through matter and across bodies, allowing us to explore the sensory and material affects and effects of an encounter. Contact is a reciprocal event, suggesting that it involves ›touching‹ and ›being touched‹.

›Zones‹ are understood as spaces that are constantly meditated and negotiated in encounters across differences. Using anthropologist Anna Tsing’s concept of friction, we can understand a contact across difference as a transformative space, an arena for the production of new agendas – and thus as an inherently political space.

This call offers four main focus-areas for responses, which may be merged and combined: Perspectives, Methodologies, Media, and Pedagogies.

Open Platform

for individual contribitions provides the possibility to publish all kinds of investigation and research on architectural knowledge, its particularities, the creation, providing and mediation of it as well as its discourse within the principle objective of the journal.

These singular contributions addressing the constitution and the body of knowledge in architecture are published Open Access only, in the context of the digital archive of transcript.open.

Further information: transcript.open

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allows for individual contributions independant from the Curated Edition’s thematic framing and its editorial schedule.

The solely digital format encourages an extensive integration of different media and the referencing of external links to provide multi-media presentations.

Calls for Contributions

to the Curated Editions provide the superordinate introduction to the edition’s thematic framing, present the subject addressed and formulates the requirements for the contributions and their alignment.

Contributions selected for publication in the Curated Edition are free of charge.

Guidelines for Authors
Peer Review

For anonymous submission, please upload your work here.

Please note that all contributions have to strictly respect the Authors’s Guidelines.

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to the Open Platform are independent from the editorial schedule and can be published in a relatively short-term procedure. Submissions are possible throughout the year.

Publication fee: 250,00 €

Call for Open Platform
Authors’s Guidelines

For anonymous submission, please upload your work here.

Please note that all contributions have to strictly respect the Authors’s Guidelines.


All contributions, to the Curated Editions as well as to the Open Platform, will be evaluated through a double-blind peer-review procedure.

Criteria for selection are the thematic correspondence to the advertised topic of the respective issue or to the overall topic of the journal.

For anonymous submission, please upload your work here.

Please not that all contributions have to strictly respect the Guidelines for Authors.

The Peer Review is conducted according to the following Guidelines for Reviewers

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The peer-review process will be guided by the following superordinate aspects:

Originality of the work, appropriateness of applied methodology to the research question posed, coherence of the argumentation, comprehensibility of the answer to the questions underlying the contribution, consistency of content with the theme of the respective edition framed in the call for papers or the overall theme of the journal.

It is required, that all contributions relate to the body of knowledge in the architecture discipline.

As it is the aim of the journal to investigate the creation, constitution and mediation of architecture specific knowledge, the proximity of research to this umbrella subject is an inevitable requirement for selection.

Board of Reviewers

Nicolai Bo Andersen, Royal Danish Academy Copenhagen
Matthias Ballestrem, HafenCity University Hamburg
Anders Bergström, KTH Stockholm
Camillo Boano, UCL London
Katarina Bonnevier, Linné University
Benedikt Boucsein, Technical University of Munich
Marianna Charitonidou, National Technical University of Athens
Emma Cheatle, University of Sheffield
Adam Czierak, MUK Wien
Kathrin Dörfler, Technical University of Munich
Isabelle Doucet, CTH Chalmers

Board of Reviewers

Dietrich Erben, Technical University of Munich
Catharina Gabrielsson, KTH Stockholm
Fabian Goppelsröder, HBK Braunschweig
Katja Grillner, KTH Stockholm
Maria Hellström Reimer, Malmö University
Sophie Hochhäusl, University of Pennsylvania
Ebba Högström, Blekinge Institute of Technology
Janna Holmstedt, National Historical Museums in Sweden
Heidi Kajita Svenningsen, University of Copenhagen
Irene Kelly, UCL London

Board of Reviewers

Behzad Khosravi Noori, Konstfack - University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm
Daniel Koch, KTH Stockholm
Elke Krasny, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Uta Leconte, Technical University of Munich
Mona Livholts, University of Helsinki
Daniel Lohmann, Leibniz University Hannover
Ferdinand Ludwig, Technical University of Munich
Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, EPFL Lausanne
Helena Mattsson, KTH Stockholm
Ramia Mazé, University of the Arts London

Board of Reviewers

Anna-Maria Meister, TU Darmstadt
Kryzstof Nawratek, University of Sheffield
Anna Maria Orrù, Konstfack - University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm
Julieanna Preston, Massey University’s College of Creative Arts in Wellington, New Zealand
Sophia Psarra, UCL London
Patrícia Joao Reis, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Karin Reisinger, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Svava Riesto, University of Copenhagen
Jonas Runberger, CTH Chalmers
Gabrielle Schaad, Technical University of Munich

Board of Reviewers

Peter Schmid, Technical University of Munich
Susanne Schindler, Harvard University
Gerhard Schubert, Technical University of Munich
Rainer Schützeichel, ETH Zurich
Dubravka Sekulić, RCA London
Jan Silberberger, ETH Zurich
Erik Stenberg, KTH Stockholm
Alain Thierstein, Technical University of Munich
Taguhi Torosyan, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Stephanie van der Voorde, Vrije Universiteit Brussels
Christiane Weber, Innsbruck University

Board of Reviewers

Ines Weizman, RCA London
Sophie Wolfrum, Technical University of Munich
Stefanie Wuschitz, TU Berlin
Daniel Zwangsleitner, Technical University of Munich

Editorial Context

BauHow5 European Alliance for Architecture and Built Environment, and associated networks

initiated by

Uta Graff
Ferdinand Ludwig
Katharina Voigt

Technical University of Munich Germany

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the editorial process of all Curated Editions is conducted by editorial teams.

the Editorial Team defines the thematic framing and objective, formulates the Call for Contributions and coordinates the entire editorial process of the respective issue.

Editorial Teams of the Curated Editions are supervised by the Lead Editors of the Journal.

The work and responsibilities of the Editorial Teams is structured along the Guidelines for Editors

Ambassadors and Members

Lead Editors

Uta Graff (Prof.)
Technical University of Munich

Ferdinand Ludwig (Prof. Dr.)
Technical University of Munich

Katharina Voigt
Technical University of Munich

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Advisory Board

Isabelle Doucet (Prof. Dr.)
Chalmers University Gothenburg

Susanne Hauser (Prof. Dr. habil.)
UdK University of the Arts Berlin

Klaske Havik (Dr. ir.)
Delft University of Technology

Jonathan Michael Hill (Prof.)
Bartlett University Collge London

Wilfried Kühn (Prof.)
Technical University of Vienna

Meike Schalk (Prof. Dr.)
Royal Technical University of Stockholm


Uta Graff
Ferdinand Ludwig
Katharina Voigt


Technical University of Munich
Chair of Architectural Design and Conception, Prof. Uta Graff

Arcisstrasse 21
80333 Munich

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Ferdinan Ludwig
Katharina Voigt

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Prof. Uta Graff
Katharina Voigt
Chair of Architectural Design and Conception
Technical University of Munich
Arcisstrasse 21, 80333 Munich

Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Ludwig
Professorship of Green Technologies in Landscape Architecture
Technical University of Munich
Arcisstrasse 21, 80333 Munich


Prof. Uta Graff, Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Ludwig and Katharina Voigt are initiator and editors in chief of »Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge« published at transcript Academic Publishing.

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